
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Careers and Marketable Skills

The goal of this program is to prepare investigators skilled in the conduct of outstanding clinical and translational research in culturally diverse settings.

The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is proud to partner with the Texas Higher Education Board in helping students develop and build on skills employers value and seek out in job candidates.

Master of Science in Clinical Investigation & Translational Science Marketable Skills:

Ethics/Human Subject Training Skills:
  1. List elements of informed consent and describe procedures and precautions for enrollment of special populations in clinical investigation.
  2. Ability to create clear and comprehensive consent forms.
Methods Skills:
  1. Define a research question.
  2. Effectively conduct a systematic review of scientific literature.
  3. Design strategies for recruitment into a study.
  4. Interpret research reports of cross-sectional and case control investigations.
  5. Define criteria for inferring causation form observational studies.
  6. Design strategies for subject retention in prospective studies.
  7. Design strategies for monitoring progress in randomized control trial.
  8. Compare and contrast different clinical trial designs.
  9. Read and interpret research reports of cohort studies and randomized control trials.
Biostatistical Skills:
  1. Set up and perform test of hypotheses.
  2. Estimate sample size for use in surveys and case-control studies.
  3. Use statistical software packages to enter, summarize, graph, visualize, and analyze of data.
  4. Perform a two-way analysis of variance and explain the results.
  5. Perform survival analysis.
  6. Compare and contrast the purpose, characteristics of different forms of interventional trials.
  7. Plan sample size, analysis, and stopping rules of a randomized clinical trial.
  8. Identify different categories of data.
Lab Training Skills:
  1. Describe the principals involved in molecular techniques.
  2. Identify the appropriate specimens, collection, and handling requirements for each molecular technique.
  3. Identify and correct common sources of error in performing molecular techniques.
Data Management Skills:
  1. Describe trends and best practices in informatics for the organization of biomedical and health information.
  2. Use spreadsheets and relational database management systems for the creation and management of traditional scale datasets.
  3. Implement quality assurance systems for data collection and management for research projects.
  4. Design a relational database.
  5. Develop data dictionary/manual of operations/ Quality control Procedures.
  6. Develop a budget for data management elements.
  7. Discuss the role of bioinformatics in high dimension datasets.
  8. Describe essential functions of EHRs.
Scientific Communication Skills:
  1. Write effectively in all aspects of patient-oriented clinical research.
  2. Recognize and avoid errors in grammar, punctuation, and usage in scientific writing.
  3. Construct scientific writing structure, style and logical continuity for clear comprehension.
  4. Develop Informative Titles.
  5. Develop clear and comprehensive abstracts for papers and grant proposals.
  6. Develop well-rationalized sets of specific aims for grant proposals.
Health Services Research Skills:
  1. Articulate the underlying core concepts and methods focused on health care quality, utilization, access, and safety.
  2. Describe basic methods in Health Services Research.
  3. Identify relevant databases/data sources.
  4. Critically appraise and interpret published reports on Health Services Research.
  5. Discuss current issues in Health Services Research.
  6. Incorporate health services concepts, methods, or tools into current research.
Research Development/Implementation Skills:
  1. Ability to design and conduct a clinical and translational research project.
Dissemination Skills:
  1. Ability to disseminate clinical and translational research project results and contribute to the scientific literature.